Tender for Web Application

Tender Invitation Notice No.:WBEIDC/WIL/WB-BIO-DB/SW01/2022-23 Date: 15.06.2022

M/sWest Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd., WIL Division is interested to participate in the design and development of Web Application/Portalon behalf ofGovernment Department/ Institution located in Kolkata.Few points are given below regarding the job of the web application. Interested bidders are requested to visit concerned person of the department for study of the proposed application before bidding. We will provide address of the institution.

  1. The proposed portal has to contain published documents on Biodiversity Information only of West Bengal (three or more databases on Flora, Fauna, Ecosystem etc.).

  2. Data fields around 30 nos. (for each section).


Few Points on the proposed Web Application / Portal:


Information Related To Fauna

Information Related To Flora


  1. Class

  2. Order

  3. Family

  4. Scientific Name

  5. Common Name / Local Name

  6. Status

  7. Habitat

  8. Distribution

  9. Life Span

  10. Food Habit

  11. Key Characters

  12. Behavior

  13. Uses

  14. Photographs

  15. Remarks

  16. Reference

  17. Etc

  1. Division

  2. Order

  3. Family

  4. Scientific Name

  5. Common Name / Local Name

  6. Status

  7. Habitat

  8. Distribution

  9. Phenology

  10. Key Characters

  11. Uses

  12. Photographs

  13. Remarks

  14. Reference

  15. Etc

  1. User registration process with SMS and email validation.

  2. Searching history by registered members.

  3. User contribution section (contributed data will be published after verification by Admin)

  4. Portal design and development

  5. Three-layer admin panel.

  6. Advanced Search Option

  7. Excel file uploads for database entry.

  8. Search result printing option for the users

  9. The postal has to be hosted in the NIC Gov.in domain server

  10. Technical support for security audit needs to be given by the developer as per Govt. guidelines


Interested bidders may submit their bid within 12 noon, 5thJuly,2022. The lowest bidder will get the opportunity for supply and installation of the items.The above notice is valid up to 12 noon,5thJuly,2022.


The offer shall be in a sealed envelope addressed to “M/s West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd. (WIL Division), 225F, A. J. C. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 020” super scribed as “Offer for Tender Invitation No. Tender Invitation Notice No: WBEIDC/WIL/WB-BIO-DB/SW01/2022-23 dated:15.06.2022


** Interested bidders are being requested to submit GST + other details along with their offers as per compliances.