Tender for CCTV Setup

Tender Invitation Notice No.:WBEIDC/WIL/NSATI/CCTV/01/2021-22 Date: 05.01.2022


M/s West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd., WIL Division is interested to select bidders for supply and installation of CCTV Cameras and other related accessories on behalf of Government Department / Organisation in Kolkata, West Bengal.


Interested bidders may visit the Customer place / Govt. Department for survey to know the exact requirement and specification and location of the CCTV Cameras which are supposed to be supplied and installed. They may contact us to know the details of the customer address and concerned person before their visit. The last date for submission of the bid is 27th Jan,2022. The lowest bidder will get the opportunity for supply of the required items. The above notice is valid up to 27th Jan,2022.


The offer shall be in a sealed envelope addressed to “M/s West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd. (WIL Division), 225F, A. J. C. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 020” super scribed as “Offer for Tender Invitation No. Tender Invitation Notice No: WBEIDC/WIL/NSATI/CCTV/01/2021-22dated: 05.01.2022


** Interested bidders are being requested to submit GST + other details along with their offers as per compliances.