Tender for Room Upgradation - 01

Tender Invitation Notice No.:WBEIDC/WIL/DoL/UPGR/01/2021-22 Date: 03.05.2021


M/sWest Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd., WIL Division is interested to select bidders who will visit the Conference Room of the Department of Labour, Govt. of West Bengal, at 12th Floor, N. S. Building, Kolkata-700001 for the job of Upgradation of the existing set up which includes studying of the requirement of necessary renovation of the present set up on behalf of WBEIDC, WIL Division.

Interested bidders may submit their bid within 2 p.m., 12th May,2021 for necessary supply and installation and post installation support. The lowest bidder will get the opportunity for supply and installation of the items. The above notice is valid up to 2 p.m., 12th May,2021. Bidders are also requested to submit offer with the specification of the Items & make including cost and warranty support.

The offer shall be in a sealed envelope addressed to “M/s West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd. (WIL Division), 225F, A. J. C. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 020” super scribed as “Offer for Tender Invitation No. Tender Invitation Notice No: WBEIDC/WIL/DoL/UPGR/01/2021-22dated:03.05.2021”


** Note: Interested bidders are being requested to submit GST + other details along with their offers as per compliance norm. Due to present pandemic scenario the Department needs our visit and subsequently submission of offer on an urgent basis.