Tender for A4 Scanner and Suggested Network Devices
Tender Invitation Notice No.: WBEIDC/WIL/DOF/LAN/HLD/01/2019-20 Date:18/07/2019
M/s West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd., WIL Division is interested to procure items and its related equipments/devices/parts for installation of LAN equipments and its related accessories in Government Department’s Branch Office in Haldia, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal.
Item Specification and Make:
Sr.No. |
01. |
A4 Scanner
Reputed Brands |
02. |
Suggested equipment s / devices along with accessories to set up Local Area Networking with high speed connectivity
Equipments and associated materials from reputed brands including laying cost 01 |
Interested bidders may submit their bid within 8th August, 2019. The lowest bidder will get the opportunity to supply of the item. The above notice is valid up to 8th August, 2019.
The offer shall be in a sealed envelope addressed to “M/s West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd. (WIL Division), 225F, A. J. C. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 020” super scribed as “Offer for Tender Invitation No. Tender Invitation Notice No: WBEIDC/WIL/DOF/LAN/HLD/01/2019-20 dated: 18/07/2019”
** Interested bidders are being requested to submit GST + other details along with their offers as per compliances.