Tender For Digital/Smart Classroom Setup

Tender Invitation Notice No.:WIL/BSWH/DC/01:2019-20 Date: 03.04.2019


Webel Informatics Limited (WIL) is interested to procure set of Equipments / Devices and other accessories related to setting up Digital (Smart) Class Room for Government / Govt Aided Institution. Ordered items / services would be installed / served at the said institute premises.

Detail Specifications and Rate of Equipments / Items for single set up in the Class Room.

Interested bidders may submit their bid within 17th Apr, 2019. The lowest bidder will get the opportunity to supply of the item. The above notice is valid up to 17th Apr, 2019.


The offer shall be in a sealed envelope addressed to “M/s Webel Informatics Ltd., 225F, A. J. C. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 020” super scribed as “Offer for Tender Invitation No. Tender Invitation Notice No: WIL/BSWH/DC/01:2018-19 dated: 03.04.2019. Not to open before 12pm of 17th Apr, 2019.




** Interested bidders are being requested to submit GST + other details along with their offers as per compliances.