Zoology LabSetup - LabItems
Tender Invitation Notice No: WIL/INFRA/TDG/08/2017, dated: 14/06/2017
Webel Informatics Limited (WIL) is inviting quotations from the prospective bidders for the following LAB Items for institutions like College and Universities. The supply of following items would also include delivery and installation and other related services at customer premises.
Detail Specifications of the Lab Items:
Interested bidders are requested to submit their bid within 28/06/2017 by 14.00 Hrs. The lowest bidder will get the opportunity to supply the items and for related services.
EMD: Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) . DD should be done in favour of Webel Informatics Ltd.
The offer shall be in a sealed envelope addressed to “M/s Webel Informatics Ltd., 225F, A. J. C. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 020” super scribed as “Offer for Tender Invitation No. Tender Invitation Notice No: WIL/INFRA/TDG/08/2017-18 dated 14/06/2017”. Not to open before 15:00 pm of 28/06/2017.
Selected bidder has to submit a performance security of 5% of the value of the order. The EMD will be returned on submission of performance security.